Saturday 13 January 2007

Peering Into the Abyss of the Future - with visual and auditory aids :)

Below is a 45 minute speech by MIT professor Noam Chomsky on the past and future of nuclear weapons and their role in global domination:

1. The US is spending billions each year to own space. Nothing like see their own documents:

We you read official document it makes it more real, not just someone's conjecture. The largest high tech industrial counry in the world are in a systematic and coordinated manner spending billions to make this happen.

2. This is forcing all countries to develop their own destructive capability:

3. Each and every one of us is being challenged. Is your response to this challenge adequete?

All of us need to take a few small steps.

Think for yourself. Question everything. Have an independent mind.

Then participate in your democracy.


You and everything you care about: family, friends, bank account, status, pleasure, ambitions -