Thursday, 30 November 2006

Jiddu Krishnamurti audio downloads

Have you ever heard of Jiddu Krishnamurti? You might like what he has to say if:

  1. you are perhaps sympathetic to the basic message of Buddhism or Taoism (or more specifically, like the eastern philosophical traditions its 'obvious' to you that an 'ego' or 'me' has a fundamental source of misery and disorder in the world
  2. you dislike the nationalism, and organised religion (including how Buddhism and Taoism is reduced to an organised religion by the vast majority of believers
  3. you respect science, reason, and rigorous thought
  4. you are a serious person who is not absorbed by the trivial and the meaningless.

Krishnamurti talked to a vast number of people before his death, and wrote many books.

Click here for to access all the Krishnamurti audio files I have collected.

Of course it is all free and instantly accessible, with each audio file downloadable with a single click.